デイヴ・スキッパーの初アルバム『エリヤーフ』と、同時発売する森田潤の2ndアルバム『Sonus Non Capax Infiniti』のリリースパーティー!LIVE録音は、会場の落合「soup」のBandcampでも公開されます。
For me, Soup is the most important and best-sounding live space for noise and the experimental/underground music scene in Tokyo. It is the venue I have played most at, and this particular event has two special reasons.
1) This will be a small unofficial release party for Jun Morita and Dave Skipper’s new albums, released just 2 days beforehand.
2) We will record the show for planned release on Soup’s bandcamp page, to help support and maintain this crucial venue! The artists who will play span a wide cross-section of approaches to noise, all making cutting and visceral sounds to shake the whole person – mind, body, and spirit!
──────Dave Skipper